PB Agenda 9.24.20

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Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 7:00pm

In response to Governor Baker’s declaration of a public health emergency and the related Emergency Executive Order dated March 12, 2020, Town of Scituate public meetings shall meet remotely until further notice. This meeting will be recorded by Scituate Community Television, can be viewed live on cable television channel 9 and will be posted on our website the next day.  Participation for the Public Hearing will be available by audio and video conference bridge.


For Audio Participation: call in can be accessed via any of these three numbers and if the line is busy please keep trying:

Dial any number (US) to join:               (425) 436-6308

Long distance charges could apply       (425) 436-6338

Depending on your calling plan            (425) 436-6300

Access Code: 538960#

Follow the instructions for the calling service. You can listen to the audio and your phone line will be muted. You will be allowed to ask questions or comment during the moderated Q &A period following the audio directions.

For Video Participation:



Follow the instructions on your computer screen to join the meeting. Your computer microphone will be muted. You will be allowed to ask questions or comment during the moderated Q &A period following the audio directions.