Job Seekers / Networking Group

Event Date: 
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 10:30am to 1:00pm

NETWORKING WORKS! Your AGE really is your EDGE!

This 50+ Job Seeker Networking Group will begin September 12 , 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ Scituate Town Library

Offered by the Scituate Senior Center, this newly-formed Job Seekers Networking Program is designed to support and assist people age 50 and older who are looking for a new job or career direction, reentering the workforce after an employment gap, or looking for a Second Act career after a retirement. 

Meetings are open to anyone who is 50+ years old and residing in MA. This program is being offered successfully at several other Senior Centers in the state.  Lead facilitator is Susan  Kelly, a Certified Career Coach with 35+ years of experience, along with COA Outreach Coordinator Jenny Gerbis as co-facilitator.  Please pick up a flyer at the Senior Center for more information or call us at 781-545-8722.  Pre-register!