Senior Safety Series

Grandparent Scam
ply da
Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 10:00am

There are many scams that target our older adults. One of them is the grandparent scam.  Scammers pose as panicked grandchildren in trouble, often calling during the night asking for money to be sent immediately. They’ll say they need cash to pay for emergencies, like paying bail or a hospital bill.  The scammers know how to trick you into sending money before you realize it’s a scam! 

More scams are arising during the pandemic which makes these scammers lies seem more compelling. So, how can we avoid being victims of the grandparent scams or family emergency scams? Join our Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz to hear more and how to protect yourself and family. Please call to register or use MyActiveCenter to receive the Zoom link!