May Meeting
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Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 5:00pm

Scituate /West Cork Sister City Committee
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Scituate/West Cork Sister City Committee is to promote partnerships; foster an understanding
of cultures and traditions; facilitate exchange programs for students and adults; encourage tourism; share advances
in business and education; and provide activities that will be of mutual benefit to Scituate and West Cork.
5 pm
Scituate Senior Center
Siobhán Hunter Chair, John Sullivan Vice Chair,
Carol Sullivan-Hanley Secretary, Christine Walsh Treasurer,
Maureen Dinsmore, James Canavan, Vincent Quealy, Raymond Voelker
Brenda O’Connor, Patricia Jacquart, Michael Long, Patrice Maye,
Anthony Vegnani, Geena Savage, Brian Houlihan
Scheduled Items:
The Scituate West Cork Sister City is committed to providing an environment of respect
during meetings. We ask all members to interact in a polite manner even when there is disagreement.
We value the participation of our community and want all participants, including
marginalized and minoritized communities, to feel welcomed and respected.
We ask our committee members, and all who participate, to commit to these
standards to support and respect our community.
1. Acceptance of Agenda
2. Acceptance of Minutes
May 2, 2023
4. Student Exchange
6. New Business
5. Appointments
3. Treasurers Report
Next Meeting TBD