Scituate Sister City West Cork Agenda 6/5/19

Scituate /West Cork Committee
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - 7:00pm

Scituate /West Cork Committee
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Scituate/West Cork Sister City Committee is to promote partnerships;
foster an understanding of cultures and traditions; facilitate exchange
programs for students and adults; encourage tourism; share advances in business
and education; and provide activities that will be of mutual benefit to Scituate
and West Cork.
June 5, 2019
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Scituate Town Library Small Conference Room
Brenda O’Connor, Chair, Siobhán Hunter Vice Chair, Patrice Maye Secretary
Christine Walsh Treasurer
Kevin Callanan, John Danehey, Maureen Dinsmore, Audrey Donovan,
R.J. Dwyer, Carol Sullivan-Hanley, Richard Hebert, Brian Houlihan,
Patricia Jacquart, Peter Mehegan, John Sullivan
1. Acceptance of Agenda
2. Acceptance of minutes of prior meetings
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Report Irish Classes
5. Report of Delegation Plans & suggestions from committee
5. Consul General Office Turnover
6. SBA Social????
7. Catherine Shannan Lecture John Boyle O’Reilly and Catalpa Story
8. Audrey
9. Renewal of membership
10. Quinnipiac Great Hunger Museum Field trip to Art Exhibit that was in
Dublin, Skibbereen, and Derry - bus lunch and admission will be very expensive
— $90- $100
11. Cookbook - committee-
12. New Business
13. Adjourn /Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 3, 2019, in the small
conference room of the Town Library 7 - 8:30 - should we postpone the
meeting? It is the night before he fourth.