Scituate Sister City West Cork Agenda

January Agenda
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - 7:00pm

Scituate /West Cork Sister City Committee

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Scituate/West Cork Sister City Committee is to promote partnerships; foster an understanding of cultures and traditions; facilitate exchange programs for students and adults; encourage tourism; share advances in business and education; and provide activities that will be of mutual benefit to Scituate and West Cork.


January 8,2020

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Scituate Town Library Small Conference Room


Siobhán Hunter Chair, John Sullivan Vice Chair,

Carol Sullivan-Hanley Secretary, Christine Walsh Treasurer,


Kevin Callanan, R.J. Dwyer, Maureen Dinsmore, Audrey Donovan,

 Brian Houlihan, Patricia Jacquart, Michael Long, Patrice Maye

Peter Mehegan, Brenda O’Connor, Anthony Vegnani


Scheduled Items:


1.     Acceptance of Agenda

2.     Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings

3.     Treasurers Report  and Benefactor’s Giving Circle

4.     Checkup - has everyone taken required tests and been sworn in?

5.     French and Irish Sister Cities joint Membership Outreach

6.     Foreign Movie Festival 1/16 St Mary’s Hall

7.     Student exchange -update 

8.     Irish Heritage Trail - update

9.     Corned Beef Dinner, St Patrick’s Parade, Irish Bread at Senior Center

10. Irish Delegation Visit -  Funding

11. New Business


The next meeting will be February 5, 2020, Scituate Town Library Small Conference Room