Scituate Community TV Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Scituate Community Television Advisory Board

February 3, 2015

Meeting Notes

  1. Board Members in attendance: Mike Davis, Albert Bangert, Tracy Kiddie, John Roser, Ed Fidder, and Marie Fiddler
  2. The Agenda for the meeting was accepted and the December 23rd meeting minutes were approved.
  3. The board agreed to meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. beginning in March.  The next meeting will be on March 31st
  4. The board reviewed the two goals going forward:  to improve the quality of the local channels and to create more content for community television programming. 
  5. As part of the content goal Al and Mike presented their concept for a new series: “Unusual Interests” (working title), a magazine style format exploring some of the interesting activities that Scituate residents engage in, with the focus of giving viewers ideas for “new things to try”.  The segments will be shot on location and post-produced, possibly in short segments that can be mixed and matched to create fresh 30-60 minute blocks of programming. 
  6. Steps to get this started:
    1. Finding Content: John Rosen has a high school student who can assist him with the production of a 30 sec. PSA calling for people who engage in interesting activities to contact SCTV.  (Date for this to be ready?)
    2. Mike and John will produce a “demo segment” on ham radios to find a style and estimate the time and resources needed to produce a segment.  This will help to finalize resources (equipment, people, and time) needed to create this new program.
    3. John estimates a two-month window to produce the first show, and if all goes well Mike and Al would like to see a new show every other month.
  7. John Rosen reported on the “Go Digital” initiative.  He has spoken to Cathy Maloney, Comcast Senior Manager of Government and Regulatory Affairs, who told him that going digital, would most likely not be on the table until the 2018 franchise renewal. In the meantime, as part of the goal of improving the quality of the channels, John will bring a log of “tickets” opened with Comcast for local channel outages and signal problems so that the board can determine whether there is a “signal quality” issue that is worth pursuing further. 
  8. Other Business: 
    1. Al is working on the Mission Statement that will be reviewed at the next meeting
    2. The board will continue to discuss the possibility of stipend positions as part of the programming content goal. 
    3. John is going to price “go-pro” cameras to see if this might be a worthy SCTV purchase in the future
    4. No date yet for John to go before the Board of Selectmen to present the SCTV 2015-2016 budget
  9. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.