Housing Indicators

  • Similar to other South Shore communities, the majority of Scituate’s housing stock is comprised of single- family homes (about 83% of all units).
  • Most multi-family units in Scituate (including both condominiums and apartments) are located within Scituate Harbor or along the North River with tend to be on the higher end of home prices.
  • Over 80% of all housing units in Scituate are owner-occupied, and nearly 10% of Scituate’s housing stock is seasonal properties (775 units).
  • The median age of a house in Scituate is 56 years and about 10% of the total housing stock has been built since 2000.
  • Scituate’s median home value in 2015 was $505,282 and the average home value was $601,592. These figures are lower than all neighboring communities except Marshfield, but significantly higher than that of Plymouth County or the State.
  • In 2012, the median sales price for a single family home in Scituate was $466,100 and for a condominium, $417,000, significantly higher than State and Plymouth County values. Interestingly, median condominium sales prices have exceeded median single-family prices since 2008. This points to the desirability of multifamily living in walkable, amenity rich village environments given that most of Scituate’s limited supply of condominiums are located in Scituate Harbor.
  • Projections suggest Scituate will grow by approximately 700 households by 2035. Many of these will be smaller households – young singles and families, and retirees – who often prefer alternatives to large single family homes.