Commuting Patterns

  • In 2015, the average number of vehicles per household in Scituate was 1.9 and nearly 20% of households have 3 or more vehicles.
  • The average travel time to work for Scituate workers is 41 minutes and the vast majority drive to work alone (78%). An estimated 9% take public transit (MBTA) and nearly 6% carpool. An estimated 492 Scituate residents work at home (5.3% of the employed laborforce).
  • As an attractive “bedroom community” in close proximity to Boston, the majority of Scituate’s laborforce commute out of town for work. Nearly 60% work in communities within 15 miles of Scituate and approximately 20% work in Boston which is supported by 2 MBTA commuter rail stations in town (North Scituate and Greenbush stations).
  • Work-at-home and satellite office (i.e. shared office space) may be in high demand and offer growth opportunities for Scituate.