Water Reporting and Usage

A message from the Water Department

This time of year our water usage increases dramatically and potentially causes brown water in some locations.  At this time DPW hasn’t received any brown water calls. This is a good sign and we know we have some areas that still need to be addressed at the end of roads or on undersized pipes. If you are experiencing any brown water please let us know immediately.

How do I report brown water?

Alert the Water Department by phone, email or online survey with every instance of brown water.

Phone: (781) 545-8735

Email: brownwater@scituatema.gov

Online Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/scituatewaterquality

REMINDER:  The Town of Scituate has outdoor water restrictions from May 1 - September 30th.  ALL watering must occur before 9 am or after 5 pm. Automatic irrigation systems can only be used one day per week according to your precinct. We are asking for residents cooperation. Violations are subject to fines of up to $100 per day.