Town of Scituate Storm Advisory #5. - 6:15 p.m. Sunday, February 15, 2015

Town of Scituate Storm Advisory #5. - 4:15 p.m. Sunday, February 15, 2015


The snow had stopped and conditions have improved. However, wind and snow drifts continue. Appreciable progress will not be made until tomorrow and DPW and contractors have been working steadily for the past 24 hours. Although it is quite frustrating, we ask that residents once again  be patient as crews respond to another foot of snow.  At this time we can not respond to individual road clearing requests. Main roads then arterial streets are addressed. The Egypt Park  area and alphabet streets have multiple occurrences of snow drifting and that will be addressed tomorrow. These areas require larger equipment; the usual small plows are unable to do the job. Central Avenue in Humarock will be cleared again tomorrow. A loader will remain there overnight. Driveways will continue to be plowed back in and mailboxes in the public way will inadvertently continue to be hit. With the volume of snow it is not intentional but is unavoidable. Cars continue to get stuck so please use your best judgment before going out this evening.


 The Deputy Fire Chief is requesting residents to assist us once more in shoveling out hydrants. This will be the fourth time in three weeks they will have had to start from square one.  This will help us immeasurably.     The State of Emergency that was imposed at midnight last night was lifted at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. That does not mean we are out of the woods, but that we are not in a life safety situation any longer.


This will be the last Storm Advisory today.