Selectmen Meeting for DPW Water Pipe Replacement Project and Water Issues

Due to the high level of interest and expected participation, the Board of Selectmen has scheduled a separate public discussion on the DPW Water Pipe Replacement project and on water issues in general for Monday, August 13, 2018 at the Scituate High School Center for Performing Arts at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be in lieu of the agenda item previously scheduled for the July 24, 2018 Board of Selectm...en’s meeting. The Board feels strongly that in order to give this issue the time and attention it deserves and to ensure any and all residents who wish to speak can be accommodated and heard, that a separate meeting in a larger space is required. There will be a short presentation by the Town’s consulting engineers detailing the work that has been done to date on the system and outlining what else needs to be done. That will be followed by question and answer period where residents may address the Board with their concerns and have their questions answered. The Board of Selectmen and representatives of the Water Department and the Town’s consulting engineers will be present. The meeting will be filmed by Scituate Community Television for rebroadcast on Scituate Cable TV. Please contact the Board of Selectmen’s Office with any questions.