Heavy Rain/Street Flood Advisory

Good morning,

We are expecting significant rain this afternoon into Thursday morning, 3” to 5” of rain is forecast in our area, peak rainfall is anticipated from 10pm to 8am. Some South Shore locations could receive as much as 6” of rain within a 12-hour period. This is equivalent to a months’ worth of rain in one night, be prepared.

This extremely heavy rain will likely create potential drainage and street flooding issues. We are asking all residents to check the storm drains on their street and clear any leaves and debris that may be blocking the surface of the drain. Residents who use sump pumps please make sure they are operational. If you have a history of water in your basement you may want to raise furnishings to a higher level.  

We are forecast to receive some gusty winds from the northeast (20-25mph) with gusts in the 40’s Thursday morning though the afternoon. We do not anticipate any coastal flooding, though some splash over is possible.  The gusty winds may create some tree and limb damage causing isolated power outages.

The morning commute may be challenging with pooling water and localized street flooding. Please do not try to drive through any flooded streets, you never know what lies beneath the water. It would be wise to allow extra time for your morning commute.

There is the potential for an isolated tornado with these sub-tropical systems. Please review the attached tornado guideline.

Be Well & Stay Safe!

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