Coastal Flood Advisory

We are under a coastal flood advisory and we have the potential to receive minor coastal flooding in our low lying areas due to the upcoming astronomical high tides starting this afternoon through Sunday. These tides are some of the highest of the year due to the moons closest approach to the earth.

The high tides are predicted to exceed 12’ Thursday (1pm) and Friday (2pm) afternoons and just below these heights for the evening high tides starting at 12:30am tonight. To keep it simple the high tides will advance a little less than an hour each day. We anticipate minor coastal flooding during the upcoming high tides in the following areas: Bailey’s Causeway, intersection of Rebecca & Lighthouse Roads, Mill Wharf, Cole Parkway, and Peggotty Beach parking lots, Satuit Brook at Front Street, Edward Foster Road, and north Central Ave coming in from the river side.

Fortunately there are no coastal storms forecast though Sunday but we will have light northeast winds (10mph) today increasing from the southeast tonight (15-20mph) through tomorrow afternoon. Rain will accompany further increasing winds Thursday afternoon (20+mph) and become gusty; fortunately these gusty winds change from southeast to a west wind which will have no adverse effects on the existing flood forecast for Thursday night through Friday.

Please continue to follow the social distancing and hygiene guidelines to help keep your families and our community safe and healthy during this difficult time.

Be safe & stay well!