A Scituate 2020 Beach Sticker is required at all Scituate beach parking lots.

No Lifeguards on duty until the middle of June. Beach water testing does not begin until the middle of June.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health orders and guidelines:

Face Coverings and Masks: All beach visitors shall comply with COVID-19 Order 31: Order Requiring Face Coverings in Public Places Where Social Distancing is Not Possible. 

The order requires any person over the age of 2, whether indoors or outdoors, to wear a face covering or mask when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between themselves and others, unless they have a medical condition preventing them from doing so (see further guidance here:

Masks are not required to be worn while swimming. 

Group Size: No groups larger than 10 are allowed to gather.

 Beach User Guidelines

Beach visitors are required to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet or more at all times and visitors should maintain at least 12 ft minimum distance between toweling/beach blanket areas. 

Organized ball games should not be allowed activity including, but not limited to, volleyball, Kan Jam, spikeball, football, soccer, Kadima, and bocce.

Beach visitors shall abide by social distancing standards for bathroom lines and follow any established visual guidelines for maintaining a 6’ distance in all restroom facilities

Parking Lots- Loading and unloading times for people and personal items at drop off areas should be limited, where possible. No loitering, tailgating in the parking lots

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