Beach Testing Results August 14, 2014



Humarock Beach - <10

Lighthouse Beach - <10

Peggotty Beach – 243

Sand Hills – 121


Based on these results, the following beaches are now REOPENED: Humarock and Lighthouse

Based on these results, the following beaches remain CLOSED: Peggotty and Sand Hills

Minot and Egypt beaches remain open.

Scituate Beach Water Testing Results:

Beach testing results also will be posted to the News & Notices area of the Town of Scituate Home page.

Under MDPH regulations for beaches guidelines, beach operators must test all public ocean beaches for bacteria each week, using the enterococcus indicator organism.

Under that guideline beach sampling will be weekly during the swim season, June until Labor Day. Unsatisfactory test results cannot exceed a specified number of bacteria colonies per 100/ml sample.

The maximum contamination is 104 Enterococci/100 ml. for ocean waters. There are 6 beaches that we test: Humarock, Peggotty Beach, Sand Hills, Egypt Beach, Lighthouse and Minot.

Maximum Contamination Level: 104 is considered unsatisfactory.

Method of Reference: EPA 1600