Presidential Primary Information

The Presidential Primary is Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at the Scituate High School Gym from 7 AM-8 PM.

February 24 is the last day to register to vote (if not registered) or to make changes to your voter registration.

Early Voting for the Presidential Primary in person begins at Town Hall on Saturday, February 24 – from 8 AM-2 PM, Monday, February 26, through Friday, March 1, during business hours of Town Hall.

Vote By Mail- Many voters have received a VOTE BY MAIL form from the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office. If you would like the ballot mailed, please return the completed form to the Town Clerk's office. If you intend to vote in person during the early voting period here at Town Hall or on election day, please do not return the VOTE BY MAIL form.

PLEASE fill out your form correctly. Read carefully all the information.

There are three major political parties: Democrat, Republican, and Libertarian (this is not "UNENROLLED"). There is no "Unenrolled" ballot for primaries.

Unenrolled voters must choose the party ballot they would like for a primary if they would like to vote in the primary.

All ballots must be returned to the Town Clerk's office before 8 PM on election day (preferably sooner, please). Do NOT drop of ballots at the Scituate High School Gym on election day.

Election information, schedules, early voting deadlines, and “Sample” ballots can be found on the Town of Scituate website at, go into Government, Town Clerk, and click on the red banner at the top of the Town Clerk's page. Please review all attachments at the bottom of the page.

Also Kathleen Gardner, Scituate's Town Clerk, provides details and information for the upcoming Presidential Primary on Scituate Community Television YouTube page: