Nor’easter Advisory #4


January 28, 2022

January Nor’easter Advisory #4

Good afternoon,

All planning and emergency management coordination is in place for this major storm event. We hope those along our immediate coastline were able to find a hotel or alternate living accommodations. For those who have not, and are still considering this, you may have time to reach out to a hotel or friend. We want to inform you we have learned that a regional shelter will be available at the Weymouth High School located at 1 Wildcat Way in South Weymouth. It opens at 7am Saturday morning.

Please click “I am Evacuating” link if leaving your coastal home for the storm.

This storm will be challenging for all, especially our senior citizens. Please reach out to your friends and neighbors that are seniors to make sure they have what they need to get through this storm. It would be helpful to check in with them periodically. If there are seniors that do not have anyone they feel they can ask please reach out to Scituate Public Safety at 781-545-5515 or 781-545-1212 and we will help find you some assistance.

We plan on opening our Senior Center on Sunday as a warming and charging station at noon. If anyone is in need of transportation please call the numbers above.

Again, we encourage everyone who has not done so to sign up for “CODE RED”.  Any essential emergency information will be sent through this app. Please include both your home and cell numbers and include the texting option.

A couple additional safety tips for blizzard like conditions. If you have a heating system with a vent on the side of your home please make sure the vent is clear of any snow drifts. If blocked, it could create a dangerous carbon monoxide situation. Second, when safe please clear fire hydrants and drains in your neighborhood. 3’ clearance around the hydrant would be appreciated.

This is going to be a very strong and challenging storm but with common sense, patience, and trust in your Public Safety and Emergency Management Team we will get through this storm as we always do.

Be prepared and Stay Safe!