Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

The Town of Scituate is currently updating the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and is seeking public comment at this time. The purpose of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify the town’s risk and vulnerability to potential natural hazards and identify risks to mitigate those hazards. Specifically, this plan assesses the potential impacts of floods, winter storms, wind events, geologic hazards, extreme heat hazards, drought and wildfire related hazards, sea level rise, and invasive species hazards.

The plan identifies properties, resources, and critical facilities which may be vulnerable to these hazards and identifies mitigation strategies and actions aimed at reducing the loss of or damage to life, property, infrastructure and natural, cultural, and economic resources. Completing updates on the plan every five years is required by FEMA.

The Public Comment period will be open from March 28, 2022 through April 18, 2022. A virtual Public Workshop will be held on April 6th at 6:00 PM via Zoom to provide additional information and answer questions.

To review the plan and find the link to the public workshop go to the following link:
