Conservation Agenda June 1, 2020

Virtual Meeting
Monday, June 1, 2020 - 5:15pm

This meeting is being held remotely as an alternate means of public access pursuant to an Order issued by the Governor of Massachusetts dated March 12, 2020 Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law. You are hereby advised that this meeting and all communications during this meeting may be recorded by the Town of Scituate in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.

Dial-in Number: +1 646 558 8656  


Meeting ID: 921 9905 6641

Password: 250775

Plans and other materials relevant to the following agenda items are posted on the Conservation

Commission website:

Request for Determination of Applicability:

22 Peggotty Beach Rd.

Applicant: Town of Scituate, DPW

Representative: Sean McCarthy, DPW, Town of Scituate

Proposed: Peggotty Beach Parking lot repaving


112 Humarock Beach Rd.

Applicant: Alice’s House Inc.

Representative: Morse Engineering

Proposed: platform for lift


10 Utility Rd.

Applicant: Bertrand & Sharon Plourde

Representative: Morse Engineering

Proposed: septic system repair        


13 Garfield St.

Applicant: Robert DiBenedetto

Representative: Applicant

Proposed: three hand dug concrete footings