COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, November 14, 2019 Public Library – Large Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Athena Brodsky (Treasurer), Linda Fulton (Vice Chairperson), Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary), and Jamie Coleman. MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: GUEST(s): None 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at the Large Conference Room at the Public Library. 2. Public Comment. Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Acceptance of Past Minutes. No changes were suggested. Ms. Brodsky motioned to accept the October minutes, seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously. 4. FY 2021. Ms. Sommer discussed the proposed budget. This will be presented to the Board of Selectmen later in November. Ms. Sommer explained Ms. Holt will be presenting the budget on behalf of the COD. 5. Purple Dinosaur Swing Ms. Sommer and Ms. Brodsky discussed this with the COD. The cost of replacing the swing may require additional expenses and, therefore, the donated funds were not accepted. Mr. Dougan motioned to return the $1500 originally donated for the swing back to the 22G Fund. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Accessibility Awareness Event. Date of March 28, 2020 has been set for the event. This event will require a Police Detail. Ms. Sommer explained that she is still working with the venue on the logistics for the event. The COD discussed potential logistics to get vendors and logistics for notice to the public with the goal of notice being provided 6 weeks prior to the event. 7. CoD Public Relations. Mr. Coleman discussed that he is currently reviewing materials he was provided by Ms. Sommer, but once completed, he agreed to write something up for review. 10. Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Brodsky reported that the FY20 General Fund has a balance of $5000; 22G Fund has a balance of $5,397; and the Gift Fund has a balance of $0. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the report. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. Mr. Dougan motioned to skip the next meeting (12/19) due to holidays and time constraints. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey Dougan Secretary