COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, September 12, 2019 Public Library – Large Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Athena Brodsky (Treasurer), Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary), and Jamie Coleman. MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Linda Fulton (Vice Chairperson) GUEST(s): None 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at the Large Conference Room at the Public Library. 2. Public Comment. Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Acceptance of Past Minutes. Ms. Brodsky motioned to accept the July minutes with recommended changes, seconded by Mr. Coleman. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Cameron Bruscino Eagle Scout Project. COD members discussed possible project ideas and possible additional contacts in Town. Ms. Sommer will relay ideas discussed to see if Cameron is interested. 5. North Scituate Train Canopy. Ms. Sommer discussed project. COD will receive and will be able to review conceptual plans and any improvements to the area. Possible site visit as well. 6. Purple Dinosaur Swing Ms. Sommer explained that the playground currently has a broken accessible swing. The people in charge of it wanted to know if COD could help fund the replacement of the swing. Mr. Dougan motioned if the playground is town owned, to offer up to $1500 from the 22G funds to replace it if someone can agree to install it appropriately. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Accessibility Awareness Event. Ms. Sommer explained that she will be reaching out to St. Mary’s Church as she agreed to at the past meeting. Tentative dates also discussed with 3/14, 3/12 and 3/28 (preferred date) as options. Once date picked, COD will proceed with further planning. 8. Library of Things Donation. Ms. Sommer is continuing to coordinate donation and announcement. 9. CoD Public Relations. COD discussed process for approaching Scituate Mariner with COD related stories, write-ups and events. Ms. Sommer will bring a sample for Mr. Coleman who agreed to investigate the process with the Mariner. 10. Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Brodsky reported that the FY20 General Fund has a balance of $5000 ($2700 for support services, $1500 for conferences or meetings, $500 for trainings, and $300 for office supplies); 22G Fund has a balance of $5,391; and the Gift Fund has a balance of $0. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. No additional matters were discussed. 12. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Brodsky. Seconded by Mr. Dougan. Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey L. Dougan