COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, July 11, 2019 Public Library – Large Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Athena Brodsky (Treasurer), and Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary) MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Linda Fulton (Vice Chairperson) and Jamie Coleman GUEST(s): Nancy Holt (Finance Director), Tim Mahoney and Barbara Thorpe (via phone – Disability Access Consultants) 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM at the Large Conference Room at the Public Library. 2. Public Comment. Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Acceptance of Past Minutes. Ms. Brodsky requested 2 changes to the June Meeting Minutes. 1. Location of the meeting was Genealogy Room; 2. Item 9 should reference Ms. Fulton, not Ms. Brodsky. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the June minutes with recommended changes, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Outdoor Library Project. Mr. Dougan motioned to table until next meeting, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 5. CORSE Foundation Scholarship. Mr. Dougan motioned to table until next meeting, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Accessibility Awareness Event. Mr. Dougan motioned to table until next meeting, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Library of Things Donation. Mr. Dougan motioned to table until next meeting, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Disability Access Consultants. Mr. Mahoney and Ms. Thorpe from Disability Access Consultants presented the draft self-evaluation and transition plan to the COD that was developed, in part, by funding provided by the Massachusetts Office on Disability Municipal ADA Improvement Grant Program. They further explained that the next steps include reviewing executive summary, finalizing report data, establishing prioritization of projects and dates. 9. CoD Public Relations. Mr. Dougan motioned to table until next meeting, seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Brodsky reported that the General Fund had a remaining a balance of $2320 for FY19. She further explained that the $1500 that was approved for the Wampatuck School Playground Project has not yet been withdrawn but is expected to be transacted shortly. The CORSE donation approved last month will be withdrawn from the 22G account, rather than the General Fund, and Ms. Sommer agreed to reach out to ensure the appropriate invoices and program for Scituate Residents and Students are selected and submitted. Ms. Brodsky informed the members that the donation approved last month for the Wampatuck State Park Playground was not approved by the Town, therefore it has been withdrawn by the COD. Ms. Brodsky reported that the FY20 General Fund has a balance of $5000; 22G Fund has a balance of $5,083; and the Gift Fund has a balance of $0. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Ms. Sommer. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. No additional matters were discussed. 12. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Dougan. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey L. Dougan