COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, June 13, 2019 Public Library – Genealogy Meeting Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Linda Fulton (Vice-Chairperson), Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary), and Jamie Coleman. MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: Athena Brodsky (Treasurer) MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: GUEST(s): Steven Leitch – Northern Oak Landscape Architect 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM at Geology Meeting Room at the Public Library. 2. Public Comment. Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Acceptance of Past Minutes. No changes suggested for April and May minutes. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the April and May minutes, seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed by roll-call vote: Ms. Sommer, Ms. Fulton, Mr. Dougan and Mr. Coleman – Affirmative, Ms. Brodsky – Abstained. 4. Outdoor Library Project. Mr. Leitch shared overview of project. COD members discussed accessibility elements such as path of travel, slopes, and surfaces proposed. COD members also offered assistance as the project moves forward. 5. CORSE Foundation Scholarship. Ms. Sommer reached out; however, has not been able to make contact with the group about their request. Mr. Dougan motioned to allocate $200 to CORSE once Ms. Sommer connects with them to be taken from COD operating budget. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously through roll-call vote. 6. Accessibility Awareness Event. Discussed planning of event. Ms. Sommer reached out to the Parish Hall and she is awaiting response for a Saturday in March of 2020. Once confirmed, logistics of event can be worked out. 7. Library of Things Donation. Ms. Sommer explained the “C-Pens” were purchased. Town is in possession and will be given to the Library. Ms. Brodsky discussed potential publicity options, such as Scituate Mariner, Facebook and other avenues. Ms. Sommer and Ms. Brodsky will work on coordinating something and report back to the members. 8. Access Plan Review Report. Wampatuck Playground: Mr. Dougan sought input from members to see about making a donation to this current project. Motion by Ms. Brodsky to donate $1500 towards the purchase of an accessible swing and accessible parking to be allocated from COD’s operating budget. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously by roll-call vote. Mr. Dougan agreed to contact project organizer and relay response to Ms. Sommer. Front Street Accessible Parking: Ms. Sommer explained that she has been contacted by a local business regarding on-street accessible parking. The business has made previous requests for the addition of a space; however, one has never been installed. The COD wants to review the draft Self-Evaluation and Transition plan to see what proposals are being made related to on-street parking before conducting outreach related to this. Ms. Sommer explained she will reach out to the business to let them know we are in support of their request but want to see what the “plan” may propose. Disability Access Consultants: Ms. Sommer is coordinating a call-in/meeting with the consultants who have produced the Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan for the Town of Scituate to review. 9. CoD Public Relations. * The COD discussed public outreach options such as local cable, Scituate Mariner, and other avenues to promote the COD’s efforts. Ms. Fulton will report back at next meeting. 10. Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Brodsky reported that the General Fund has a balance of $$4,050; 22G Fund has a balance of $5,080; and the Gift Fund has a balance of $0. Mr. Dougan motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously by roll-call vote. 11. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. Wampatuck State Park – Playground: Mr. Coleman explained that he was contacted about a renovation to a large playground and its accessible elements. Mr. Coleman wants to see if the COD may make a donation, as the State Park does have a piece in Scituate, to this project. Mr. Coleman motioned to donate $500 from the COD operating budget for access improvements to the playground. Seconded by Mr. Dougan. Motion passed unanimously through roll-call vote. Library – Assistive Listening Devices (ALD’s): Ms. Sommer explained that the Library Director has approached the COD to see about assisting in the purchase of ALD’s for the Library. Mr. Dougan motioned to donate up to $1,800 from the COD operating budget to fund 2 “Ankor” ALD systems for the Library. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously by roll-call vote. Ms. Brodsky will notify the Library about the process of the donation. 12. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Dougan. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey L. Dougan