COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, May 19, 2019 Public Library – Large Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Linda Fulton (Vice-Chairperson), Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary), and Jamie Coleman. MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Athena Brodsky (Treasurer) GUEST(s): None 1. Call to Order. * Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM at the Large Conference Room at the Public Library. 2. Public Comment. * Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Acceptance of Past Minutes. * April minutes were not provided at the meeting. April and May minutes will be provided for acceptance at the June meeting. 4. Outdoor Library Project. * Ms. Sommer explained that she met with the Library Director and Massachusetts Office on Disability on May 2. Discussion was around the accessibility obligations for a reading park being proposed at the Library. 5. SPS Special Education Gift. * Ms. Sommer shared the “Thank You” letter the COD received and explained they were very appreciative of the C-Pen Reader that is already being used. 6. Friends of the Commission on Disability Scholarship. * Ms. Sommer explained that she is trying to find contact information for people to reach out to. She is awaiting responses. If none, this may not be something the COD is going to be able to do this season. 7. CORSE Foundation Scholarship. * CORSE has reached out to Ms. Sommer to see if the COD would sponsor their fundraising campaign. Ms. Sommer will reach out for more information. 8. Accessibility Awareness Event. * Discussed planning of event. If the COD holds the event, considerations for March (instead of November) to see if a larger crowd available for event. Ms. Sommer will reach out to Parish Hall to see if available in March of 2020. 9. Library of Things Donation. * Ms. Sommer discussed the Library of Things program offered at the Library has contacted the COD about donating C-Pens or other assistive technology items. * Ms. Fulton motioned to support the COD purchase of 2 C-Pens for the Library of Things Program from COD Operating Budget. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Motion passed unanimously. 10. CoD Public Relations. * The COD discussed public outreach options. 11. Access Plan Review Report. * MAAB Board Decision – 87 Glades Road. * Ms. Sommer shared the MAAB Notice of Decision. The MAAB’s notice explained that the MAAB continued for more information. The COD will await final decision from the MAAB when issued. 12 Treasurer’s Report. * Since Ms. Brodsky was unable to attend the meeting, this item was tabled until next meeting. 13. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. * No matters to discuss. 14. Adjournment. * Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Fulton. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey L. Dougan