COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MEETING MINUTES Thursday, January 10, 2010 Town Hall - Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Megan Sommer (Chairperson), Athena Brodsky (Treasurer), Jeffrey Dougan (Secretary), and Jamie Coleman MEMBERS PRESENT REMOTELY: Linda Fulton MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Michelle Murphy (Vice Chairperson) GUEST(s): Mark Novak - Design Consultant - Athletic Fields Project Joel Bargmann - Architect - Senior Center Project Linda Hayes - Council On Aging Director - Senior Center Project 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Megan Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM at the BOS Meeting Room at the Town Hall. 2. Public Comment. Since no public was present, this agenda item closed early. 3. Recreation Department Presentation. Mark presented the proposed project to the COD, which included the plans, proposed improvements and creation of additional fields and amenities. The project timeline is still being worked on as funds are being sought; however, he expects bids to reviewed by April of 2019. Accessibility appears to be incorporated into the designs and proposals. The COD only raised one concern related to accessibility - a mulched area where people will be able to congregate. Motion by Mr. Dougan to have Ms. Sommer write a letter of support to CPC. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Roll-Call vote passed unanimously. 4. Council on Aging Presentation. Joel and Linda presented the proposed renovation project of the Senior Center and Recreation Center at the former Gates School location. The current phase of the project is at the “planning” phase. While the plans indicate substantial accessibility for persons with disabilities, the COD raised a couple of concerns related to outside elements that may require variances from the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board. Motion by Ms. Brodsky to have Ms. Sommer write a letter of support to the COA Board. Seconded by Mr. Dougan. Roll-Call vote passed unanimously. 5. Acceptance of Past Minutes. No changes suggested. Ms. Brodsky motioned to accept the minutes from the 11/28 COD Meeting with no revisions. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Roll-Call vote passed unanimously. 6. Election and Vote. Prior to discussion and nominations, Mr. Dougan motioned to, due to time constraints, table items 7, 8, 9, and 11 on the Agenda until next meeting. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Roll-Call vote passed unanimously. Chairperson: Ms. Brodsky nominated Ms. Sommer for Chairperson for 1 year term. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Roll-Call Vote was passed unanimously. Vice Chairperson: Mr. Dougan nominated Ms. Fulton for Vice-Chairperson for 1 year term. Seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Roll-Call Vote was passed unanimously. Treasurer: Mr. Dougan nominated Ms. Brodsky for Treasurer for 1 year term. Seconded by Ms. Fulton. Roll-Call Vote was passed unanimously. Secretary: Ms. Brodsky nominated Mr. Dougan for Secretary for 1 year term. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Roll-Call Vote was passed unanimously. Mr. Dougan stated he would update the website appropriately. 7. Accessibility Awareness Event. Tabled. 8. Mullaney’s Seafood Expansion. Tabled. 9. Middle School Consultation. Tabled. 10. Annual Report. COD discussed topics to include in annual report related to successes and achievements over the past year. 11. Treasurer’s Report. Tabled. 12. Matters not Reasonably Anticipated 48 Hours in Advance. Ms. Sommer presented plans to be reviewed related to a multi-family dwelling project at 87 Glades Roads given to the COD by the Planning Board. Ms. Brodsky motioned to have Mr. Dougan review, respond and report back to COD. Seconded by Mr. Coleman. Roll Call vote passed unanimously. 13. Adjournment. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Dougan and seconded by Ms. Brodsky. Roll Call vote passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the conference room of the Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey L. Dougan