Scituate Beach Commission Meeting Minutes from January 8, 2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Scituate Beach Commission - Meeting Minutes from January 8, 2019

Scituate Town Library


Steven Tripp (SBC Chair), Anne McCracken (SBC), Paula Elsmore (SBC), Steve O’Brien (SBC), Mary Jo McNally (SBC), Leslie Dienel (SBC), Nancy Fay (SBC)

I. Meeting called to order by S. Tripp 7:01pm and second by S. O’Brien, followed by a unanimous vote from the group.

II. S. Tripp motioned to approve meeting minutes from December 11, 2018 at 7:04pm - motion was second by P. Elsmore, followed by a unanimous vote from the group.

III. Project updates:

Shade Structures: P. Elsmore continues to follow up about this.

Flag System: A. McCracken to follow up with Maura and figure out next steps

Facebook page: S. O’Brien to create Facebook ads for Scituate

Community Service: S. O’Brien to look into high school community service program to help keep the beaches clean over the summer.

IV. New business:

Buckets for beaches: L. Dienel to look into working with the Scituate Beautification Commission to see how these projects can tie together.

Bike racks: MJ. McNally to look into getting bike racks at beaches without them.  Egypt has a brand new one.

Peggotty Beach water line to be fixed: S. O’Brien to contact Nora Finnegan at the water dept. to get on their schedule to have this fixed before the summer.

Scituate Sloop: discussed having it stop at the Senior Center to take people to the beaches – or just one beach? Talk to the Senior Center and get feedback on whether or not this would be a welcomed service, or not.

V. Old business:

Beach Stickers: MJ. McNally to connect with Maura about redesigning the stickers for 2020.  She looked into giving stickers to town employees that don’t live in Scituate, but discovered this will open up a can of worms and is not a good idea to do.  The group unanimously agreed.

RFP for boardwalk still needs a couple of tweaks – N. Fay is working on this.

Need to get a yearly schedule together of relevant dates that would be useful for us to know and be able to plan by.  When to get proposals to Rec Center, CPC, etc.  Talk to the Selectmen?

VI. Misc.

S. Tripp made a motion to approve the new version of our Beach Commission charge.  Second by MJ. McNally.  All in favor.  New charge will be submitted to Selectmen.

The group reviewed the SBC ‘report card’ for the beaches.  Discussed the current issue of port-a-potties and reviewed the options we previously proposed (cement structure – Easi-Set Buildings) S. Tripp to look into getting pricing for Port-a-potties.

Need to create a maintenance plan for each beach to be a check list for the DPW during the summer (how to clean the mobi-mats, clear trash, etc.)

VII. Meeting motioned to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. by S. Tripp and second by P. Elsmore and then resulting in a unanimous vote from the group.