The current status of the reservoir is -81.75” (33.19 feet) which equates to 21.52% full.

We have brought the refurbished Well 17A on line. With this added flow rate we have closed the reservoir gates and are saving it for emergencies. This helps but does not change our current situation. Last year the reservoir was 74.2% full at this time.

The reservoir is not solely served by rainwater. Inflow also comes from Tack Factory Pond which is fed by First Herring Brook. There are also small brooks that feed from Country Way and around the reservoir.

Please continue to conserve. It does make a difference. Five violations were issued over the week-end. We have been receiving great reports from residents of their household conservation efforts. If you want to share your tips we are collecting them and will be posting some on the Town’s website (scituatema.gov).  Send to conservewater@scituatema.gov.

Current status of the reservoir is -81.75” (33.19 feet) which equates to 21.52% Full.