CAC Minutes 02_09_16

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Scituate Coastal Advisory Commission

Meeting MinutesFebruary 9, 2016


The regular meeting of the Scituate Coastal Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:05 PM on February 9, 2016 at the Scituate High School Library by George Simmons.


George Simmons, Richard Harding, Patrick Reilly (Firefighter), Keith Jansen, Peggy Dinger, Kevin Cafferty (DPW), Nancy Durfee (CRO), Maura Curran (Selectman Liason) Absent: Frank Snow, Tim Kelly

Guests:  Pat Gallivan (Conservation), Rebecca Haney (CZM Advisor)


Approval of Agenda

The Agenda for the meeting was approved 5-0.


Approval of Minutes

We voted to approve the 12/15/15 and 01/19/16 minutes; 5-0 approved.


George opened the meeting with a discussion of the sea level rise scenarios to consider for future planning in Scituate.  We discussed plans that are in the works for protection of critical facilities, drainage and other mitigation action items.  The Blizzard of ’78 is used for the 100-year storm with some adjustments.  Keith did some research on what other towns are doing in this regard. He passed out a 44 p. booklet, The Future of Falmouth’s Buzzard Bay Shore.  Nancy Durfee noted that the biggest contribution will be analyzing and making recommendations based on the coastline study that is in process.  We discussed our group helping to get easements to make possible future projects on our seawalls.  There is a dredging project that is in the alternative analysis stage (prior to engineering and permitting) for the South River.  They are looking to identify a suitable location for this project, which may require an easement for the beneficial reuse of dredge materials.  Our main function will be to help with outreach for easements and create a positive bridge for the community.  Nancy handed out a 7 p. packet of Scituate Potential Mitigation Measures from the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan and stressed that we attend the March 1 Hazard Mitigation meeting and notify residents by flyers placement locally.  

New Business

No new business at this time, but it was noted to add it to our future agenda.


Agenda for Next Meeting



Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm by George Simmons. The next general meeting will be at 7 pm on March 15, 2016, at the Scituate High School Cafeteria.

Minutes submitted by:    Peggy Dinger

Approved by:



The Future of Falmouth’s Buzzards Bay Shore.  44 p.

Scituate Potential Mitigation Measures, 7 p.